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  • How can Retire on my budget help me retire or relocate to another city or country and be happier, healthier and save money for what matters to me?
    Retire on my budget provides you data ( information ) to clearly see and compare the cost of living and other data worldwide. You need this data to make educated decisions and at the same time connect you to like-minded people who have the same interests, hobbies, destination city, budget and speak the same language. To learn more, visit тут
  • How and where can I learn more about planning my retirement smarter?
    Start with reading or listening to New York bestseller “Ultimate Retirement Guide for 50+” by Suze Orman. Click here to buy it from Amazon.
  • What are the happiest countries in the world?
    Click here to see the list of happiest countries in the world (scroll down until you see the list)
  • What are the healthiest countries in the world?
    Click here to see the list of healthiest countries in the world (scroll down until you see the list)
  • What are the safest countries in the world?
    Click here to see the list of safest countries in the world (scroll down until you see the list)
  • What countries have the best weather?
    Click here to see the list of countries that have the best weather in the world (scroll down until you see the list)
  • What countries have the most English-speaking population?
    Click here to see the list of most English-speaking population (scroll down until you see the list)
  • Have questions or like to partner with Retire on my budget community or provide services for our community?
    Click here to schedule an online meeting with our dedicated team to discuss details.