Learn how to start your own real estate rental business and manage it. Step by step guidance.
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Англійська (English), Іврит (Hebrew), Російська (Russian), Українська (Ukrainian),

Chicago, IL, United States



Hello Cool People, in this experience I will share my knowledge of how you can start your own real estate rental business, doing showings and management remotely, share our real estate agents, banks, and credit unions we use, or if you need help to manage your property. 

Steps we will cover in this experience:  

1.  How to get a pre-approval letter 

2. Find a real estate agent 

3. Find investment property that makes sense 

4. Get a house inspection 

5. Pre-pare documents for mortgage approval 

6.  Find a real estate attorney 

7.  Closing and getting keys 

8.   Find contractors if needed for renovation 

9.   Find and manage tenants 

10.  Apply for appliances insurance  

Duration of this experience: For each 30 min  Price: $ 45  Feel free to chat with me or email us to info@fridmanproperties.com 

Click on the link below to create your own experience and start making money doing what you love: https://retireonmybudget.com/users/createExperience

Looking forward to sharing my knowledge with you,

Ran Fridman



Hello Cool People, I have lived and traveled the world for the past 30 years and like to share my experience and help you with your expats or retirement needs

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